Atlanta Area and Surrounding Suburbs Outdoor & Indoor Family Photography Sessions
Your family, beloved pets and extended family
Any time of year around early morning or sunset for outdoor sessions & various times for home sessions
Outdoor locations throughout Atlanta
Atlanta Area and Surrounding Suburbs Outdoor & Indoor Family Photography Sessions
Your family, beloved pets and extended family
Any time of year around early morning or sunset for outdoor sessions & various times for home sessions
Outdoor locations throughout Atlanta
Atlanta Area and Surrounding Suburbs Outdoor & Indoor Family Photography Sessions
Your family, beloved pets and extended family
Any time of year around early morning or sunset for outdoor sessions & various times for home sessions
Outdoor locations throughout Atlanta

click to explore

what do i do best?
I love taking what can be a stressful experience and making it fun and relaxed. I love the challenge of getting a smile from a shy or moody teenage, patiently capturing busy toddlers, soothing a fussy newborn or wrangling distracted puppies!
I love building relationships, providing great customer service and delivering high quality images that my client's fall in love with! I capture the beauty in the chaos and create those family heirlooms that you'll treasure forever.

what they're saying
Jamilyn's talent just blew me away and her customer service even more so. She's the total package!

This is a unique, hand-crafted and tailored experience to meet you and your family' needs.
what's included?
Pre-session consultation (via text, email or phone)
1-hour outdoor session
Families can include any number of extended relatives
All pets welcome!
Any time of year around sunrise or sunset for outdoor sessions
20 hand-edited high-resolution & social media images
Personalized app and password-protected on-line gallery
Papeterie rideaux arbre en fleurs mode voyage plume hiver, travail cher automne souvent manteau champagne timbre diamants rose.

This is just the beginning. The days are long but the years are short. Capture these first special moments without leaving the comfort of your home.
what's included?
​At home newborn sessions with studio quality images
I'm happy to have partnered with Sweet Me Photography
I bring the newborn studio with a variety of cute props to you
Submit a short contact form & add Jamilyn Boze in comments
Recommend booking early; hold your spot and it can be adjusted once baby arrives
Best photographs are taken when baby is 5 to 14 days old
A few lifestyle sibling and/or parent pictures also included
Inquire for Pricing

I want to show off what makes you “YOU” and showcase your personality!! I will help you pick just the right location for what you want: something urban, something natural, maybe a combination of places.
what's included?
Pre-session consultation (via text, email or phone)
1 hour session outdoors or at location of your choice
2 hour session (best for multiple locations or outfit changes)
Feel free to bring along your favorite props, sports items, or furry friend to incorporate into your session
20 hand-edited high-resolution & social media images
Personalized app and password-protected on-line gallery
Contact for Pricing Details

I am here for you for all your photography needs. Enjoy my extremely popular friends session (a great way to wrap up the school year each year).
what's included?
Friends sessions (a great fun way to capture your kids and their friends throughout their school years)
Birthday portrait sessions
Smash cakes and children's birthday parties
Sports games & events
Events - Graduation Parties, Prom/Hoco Picture Parties
Headshots & Branding - outdoors​
Contact for Pricing Details